Industry News

Port of LA eco-review process to begin for expansion of NYK terminal




  THE Los Angeles Harbour Commission has approved a resolution to begin an Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) concerning a plan by Yusen Terminals Inc (YTI) to deepen and improve its terminal facilities at the port.


  The start of the EIR process is the first step in the plan of the wholly-owned subsidiary of Japan's NYK group to accommodate next-generation vessels and increase cargo volume at the site, a release from port authorities said.


  "We're pleased that the port has given its support to begin the development planning process on this critical project," said Patrick Burgoyne, president and chief executive officer of YTI. "These berth and wharf improvements will allow us to take full advantage of the port's main channel deepening, accommodate next-generation ships at our site and keep us competitive in the marketplace."


  YTI operates under a 25-year term lease at the Port of Los Angeles valid until September 2016. The terminal operator intends to exercise its option for a 10-year lease extension. The EIS/EIR process is expected to take 18 months to complete.


  The proposed project entails improving berths 214-216 wharves and increasing berth depths from -45 to -53 feet, and improving berths 217-220 wharves to make way for 100-foot gauge gantry cranes, as well as deepening to a -47 feet berth depth. The project will also involve additional on-dock rail yard capacity for YTI.


  It follows in the footsteps of the port's US$370 million Main Channel Deepening Project that is being carried out in conjunction with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Owing to these improvements, the main channel and turning basins are able to provide drafts of 53 feet.


  "Terminal modernisation and improvements such as those proposed by Yusen Terminals Inc are key to the Port of Los Angeles' long-term global competitiveness and success," added port executive director Geraldine Knatz, PhD. "We look forward to working with YTI to make significant improvements that will increase capacity and efficiency."


    YTI operates marine cargo terminals in Los Angeles and Oakland, providing stevedore and terminal service to container shipping lines.