Industry News

Two Bulk Carriers Collide in the Aegean Sea


Bulk carriers Katherine and Baru Satu collided in Aegean sea some 8 nm SW of Gavrio, Andros island, Greece, near position 37 52N 24 33E, at around 23:48 UTC July 3 13, or around 02:00 July 4 LT.

Vessels collided on opposite courses, obviously due to watch officers errors. Katherine got a hole portside in Hold 5 area, with ensuing water ingress, Baru Satu suffered bow damage, also resulting in water ingress. 9 out of 23 Katherine crew went to a Greek patrol boat, the remaining 14 stay on board.

All 17 crew of Baru Satu stay on board. Both vessels are slowly proceeding towards some port or place of refuge, maybe even, Baru Satu moored to Katherine in order to keep her afloat.